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Poisoned is a Mac client for the popular Kazaa peer-to-peer file sharing network. Poisoned is a free download for Mac OSX 10.2 Poisoned is a free download for Mac OSX 10.2 Poisoned uses the giFT daemon which is capable of facilitating the communication between the end user and specific filesharing protocols (namely gnutella and FastTrack). Easiteach Next Generation Lite 1.3.7233. Easiteach Next Generation Lite is a free player available for both PC and Mac, with limited features (such as word wallet and annotation pens). Millions of people used to use free peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) networks and software client programs every day to swap music, video, and other files over the internet. Kazaa Download Manager is a product developed by Kazaa Download Manager.This site is not directly affiliated with Kazaa Download Manager.All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

Traditional downloading of programs and application from a website has become outdated as well as there are not many website providing free softwares for download. Free sound effects download for mac. The another medium for downloading and sharing of files is peer to peer file sharing Networks & Programs and it has grown to tremendous level with many networks having more then millions of users to share software’s, Music files, Videos and Programs etc. With the increase in popularity of it has also become one of the medium for spreading of viruses, spywares, ad ware, malware through file sharing applications.

Users are seeking for clean, safe, fastest and best p2p file sharing applications. After searching for hours we have got the big list of safe and best peer to peer (P2P) programs and applications for Windows. The initial article was written back in 2008, that’s 10 years back. A lot of things have changed in all these years and we felt its time that we updated this article with new content. No longer the P2P aka Peer2peer file sharing is as popular as it was back in 2008.

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A lot of peer 2 peer networks mentioned in the original article have disappeared or taken over or shut down due to lack of users or law enforcement agency. We have updated the list mentioning the current status of the client so you can skip those clients without bothering to download and check it. As of now the most popular medium for downloading files, music, movies, and apps are torrents website. All you need to do is bookmark the popular torrent websites and get the torrent client and start downloading your favourite movies, programs and applications.

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