How To Download Figma For Mac Rating: 7,3/10 1050 reviews

In order to use the Plugin Panel on the desktop mac app, you'll need to download and replace your current Figma app with the version linked here. Download Figma Desktop App (Mac) How to solve 'Figma is Damaged can't be opened' alert on Mac. Figma works on Mac, Windows, Linux and on mobile devices (viewing only). I can’t overstate how this will completely change team dynamics and allow true collaboration between designers. Cd to this repo on your Mac, make whatever changes you like, and run electron. To run a live preview of your Figma app. To package the app as a binary, download electron-packager and run it from the directory above the repo. Turn Ideas into Products Faster. Design, prototype, and gather feedback all in one place with Figma.

What Is Figma

DEPRECATED - Figma launched their own desktop app. (official desktop app) The old readme continues below for posterity. Thank you Figma team for releasing an official desktop client!:) Figma for Mac (unofficial) This is an wrapper for.

It lets you install Figma on your Mac and easily access it from the Dock instead of your web browser. Evony bot download for mac. Caveats I'm not really a Node developer, so this is just a basic implementation. There are some known (and some unknown!) issues with this project: • Pinch to zoom does not work. I imagine this is solvable, but I don't know how.

• This is a third-party project not associated with Figma, Inc., so use it at your own risk. How to Install • Download the latest from GitHub, unzip, and drag to your Applications folder. • Launch the app. • Log in with your Figma credentials. • Party hardy. This project is far from finished.

I created it because I prefer desktop apps over webapps, and I wanted to give Figma a try. So far, I think it shows tons of promise. If you have experience with Node and / or Electron, and would like to help make this app cleaner, leaner, faster, and more reliable with me, please submit a PR or email me at with 'Figma for Mac' somewhere in the subject line. Should be pretty fun! Troubleshooting ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Figma is still in beta, and so is this Mac app. Stuff will probably break.


Feel free to or if you need help. Building it yourself • Download via NPM ( electron-prebuilt) • cd to this repo on your Mac, make whatever changes you like, and run electron. To run a live preview of your Figma app. • To package the app as a binary, download and run it from the directory above the repo: electron-packager figma-mac Figma --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.35.2 --app-version=[your-version] --icon='figma-mac/extras/atom.icns' --overwrite.

Figma Free

Figma Plugins Panel — v.2.0.2 The unofficial plugins panel for Figma App. Changelog 2.0.2 General • Update Mac Desktop Client to the test Figma release (63) 2.0.1 Dark UI Plugin • Fix color issue on Comments Panel • Improved Support for the Emoji Panel • Fix SVGs color bug on Windows • Improved color for texts on selected input field 2.0 General • [NEW] Completely revamped Plugin Panel now using React • [NEW] Panel is now available natively on the Desktop Figma App on Mac.

Figma Desktop

• [NEW] Added a new extension for Firefox. • [NEW] Added a PDF Export Plugin, Credits () Dark UI Plugin • [NEW] Better and improved color palette • [NEW] Now the File's Background color will change when the plugin is activated and the Canvas selected • [IMPROVEMENT] Better browser support • [FIX] A lot of bug fixes 1.0.5 • [IMPROVEMENT] Bug Fixes, Better browsers support 1.0 • Initial Release Download and Installation Desktop App, Mac - (Download Required) In order to use the Plugin Panel on the desktop mac app, you'll need to download and replace your current Figma app with the version linked here. Chrome, Mac/Win - Extension Get the Extension on the Chrome Store Firefox, Mac/Win - Add-on Get the Add-On on the Firefox Store How to Use the Panel Look for the Plugin Panel Button on the toolbar. Faqs and Troubleshooting Desktop App I'm getting the error 'Figma is damaged and can't be opened' when I launch the Figma Desktop App. To solve this issue follow those steps: • Launch this Terminal command: sudo spctl --master-disable • Go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy, then select Anywhere from the Allow apps downloaded from: section. I can't find the Plugin Icon.